Electronic Rain Gauge


A typical rain gauge is for measuring the quantity of rainfall. This scientific device has been in use since 1300 century. The ancient were simple tools mainly used to make rainfall patterns projections. Over the years, the same instrument changed a lot because of the advent of electric power. Now, we are enjoying technologically advanced electronic rain gauge. This latest device can measure the … [Read more...]

Rain Gauges for every decor


Decorative rain gauges have gained popularity among weather enthusiasts and novices alike in the recent years. A decorative rain gauge is -- as the name suggests -- a rain gauge that is decorative in nature. A decorative rain gauge is a comforting and interesting sight in your backyard or front lawn on those rainy, stormy days. It will perform all the functions of a regular rain gauge: it will … [Read more...]

Your Personal Rainfall Data


Have you ever wondered just how much it rains at your home every year? Have you ever compared how much it rains where you live versus how much it rains where your friends and family live -- miles away -- in a different city, state, or even a different country? Who does that anyway? Now let's say in the event that you did want to have some fun with that kind of stuff, getting yourself a rain gauge … [Read more...]

Studying weather phenomenons


Rain gauges are indispensable in the study of weather phenomenon. Hydrologists as well as meteorologists use these instruments in order that they can analyze and measure the level of precipitation over a given time frame. Precipitation may be in the form of liquid, which is water rain, or solid, such as snow, hail or sleet. There are essentially two parts comprising a rain gauge, one where the … [Read more...]