Your Personal Rainfall Data

Have you ever wondered just how much it rains at your home every year? Have you ever compared how much it rains where you live versus how much it rains where your friends and family live — miles away — in a different city, state, or even a different country?

Who does that anyway? Now let’s say in the event that you did want to have some fun with that kind of stuff, getting yourself a rain gauge would be the way to go.

A rain gauge is basically a weather instrument used to determine how much it rains at a certain location over a certain period of time. Also, you and I can purchase a rain gauge just as a meteorologist could. They are available all over the internet and in some specialty stores. A rain gauge is not something that only a news station would have access to.

Rain gauges are used by meteorologists and hydrologists on a professional level – and by forever-questioning individuals like yourself and I on an amateur level.

A rain gauge will measure the amount of liquid, or liquid precipitation over a set period of time. We must also keep in mind that there are factors that can influence the accuracy of such a device — such as those extremely windy storms or hurricanes.

Do rain gauges help make the world a better place?

Well, rain gauge data is compiled and analyzed by professionals which ends up being used by farmers, harvesters, meteorologists, hydrologists, gardeners, and the common folk for a variety of useful (or not so useful) purposes.

So, one can conduct an interesting and interactive experiment by involving friends and family all over the nation, even all over the world, and compare each other’s rainfall data. You never know what kind of interesting facts you may come across along the way.