Weather Forecasting – Do it Yourself


If you are planning to become a meteorologist then you have a lot of weather forecasting instruments at your disposal to help you forecast the weather better. You may not know it, but you may be a future meteorologist who helps us plan our activities for the week. Forecasting instruments that have been developed to predict the weather started being developed from the time of the ancient … [Read more...]

Forecasting the Weather


There are many amateur meteorologists out there. Perhaps you are one of them. If so, then forecasting weather using weather instruments has to be one of the tasks that top your list of things to do. Meteorologists typically use many different kinds of data in order to predict atmospheric conditions and helps people like you and me plan our activities for the day and the week at large. While our … [Read more...]

Predicting the Weather


Long before the 11 pm weatherman and Doppler radar, people had to rely on their observational abilities to forecast upcoming weather. For many of our ancestors, their lives depended on their ability to accurately predict upcoming weather events. Chances are, you will never be in a situation where your forecasting ability will determine your survival, but hey, you never know. In this article, we … [Read more...]

Getting Started in Meteorology


Do you have an interest in the weather? If you enjoy watching and tracking storms or have an interest in what causes certain weather patterns or climate issues, you might enjoy learning more about and possibly pursuing a career in meteorology. Meteorology is the study of weather and the atmosphere. Meteorologists use information gathered from the land, sea, and atmosphere to observe and study … [Read more...]