John Deere Rain Gauge


An electronic rain gauge is a good item to have. Its measurements are more accurate than most traditional styles. Many brands that make have an electric style too. For instance, you might have heard of John Deere rain gauge manufacturer. If you have not, then possibly you should get yourself the brand's. The company offers you wireless types too. John Deere is a very popular brand among shoppers. … [Read more...]

Automatic Rain Gauge

A rain gauge is a instrument that measures how much rainfall falls in a given set time. The Ancient Greeks were the first people to monitor rainfall at around 500 b.c. They were followed by the Country of India, around 100 years later, using bowls to collect the water. Measuring the rainfall give the Greeks and Indians an idea to collect the data, and then tax there citizens, according to how … [Read more...]

Wireless Rain Gauge

The wireless rain gauge is the one what the name implies. This is just a rain-gauge and it provides the same benefit of the regular gauge but it provides the benefits without any fuss. This contains two parts, one is the actual gauge that will be placed outdoors and another is the wireless receiver or the weather stations placed inside the house. This station or receiver will give you al the … [Read more...]

Rain Gauge For Portable Weather Stations

Understand that getting an electronic rain gauge is not just for measuring rainfall. It is for the interest and hidden enthusiast in you or in your kids at home. It's a great instrument - helpful in learning as well as an essential part of your portable weather station setup. Don't Compromise Ok, you built a new rain gauge for your kid or, even saw your kid make it, but how accurate is that? It … [Read more...]